Fowler Pest Control

Fowler Pest Control
888-813-8861 (Toll-Free) 951-894-2489 (Fax) 858-566-8344 (San Diego) 760-723-2592 (North San Diego County) 951-894-2488 (South Riverside County) 951-929-2505 (Hemet Valley)

With more than 2,000 different species of fleas, it’s no wonder they’re so abundant around the globe. So it’s important to be prepared, whether you’re at home or traveling with your cat or dog. Due to factors such as local climate conditions, the flea season as recommended by the Flea Index may vary from year to year. It should also be noted that fleas (in their various stages) can survive indoors during the cold weather months, therefore a monthly flea control regimen is recommended. Consult your pest control operator about flea prevalence in your area, how long it lasts and the recommended time to start your cat or dog on flea control